Luxurious Lobster | ||||||
请在[塞班岛 Moby Dick餐厅]尽情享受龙虾. | ||||||
Moby Dick餐厅的龙虾之王 ★*活缅因州龙虾*★ 从美国东海岸的缅因州空运而来 在塞班岛近海捕获的 *大岩龙虾* 也每天都有进货. 豪华!豪爽!请尽情地享受龙虾. |
所有主菜都包括Moby Dick特制面包. |
Maine lobster | |||||
State of Maine is located in the most northern part of East Coast in the
United States of America. Maine states are also noted for its excellent lobster. Enjoy the real delicious Maine lobsters; taste of the Nature revives in Restaurant MOBYDICK now! 直接输入美国东海岸缅因州产的鲜活缅因州龙虾.在富饶的渔场长成的龙虾, 更是大海的恩惠.请在Moby Dick餐厅享受大自然的味道. |
Live Maine Lobster
Fresh juicy Maine Lobster (24oz) cooked according to your choice of steam
or roast with tartar sauce and butter sauce, finadeni sauce. ★鲜活缅因州龙虾 龙虾之王,1.5磅(24盎司) 根据您的喜好进行调理(蒸或烤) 鞑靼酱和奶油酱,菲娜德尼酱 |
Rock lobster | |||||
The lobster harvested in the Saipan sea near the shore iscalled a Rock
lobster. 塞班岛近海捕获的伊势虾被称为大岩龙虾. 其他地方吃不到的豪爽的份量,口味纤细的大岩龙虾,请一定品尝. |
Lobster Island Style
Fresh juicy Lobster cooked according to your choice, steam or roast with tartar sauce and soy vinegar sauce. ★大岩龙虾 海岛风味 (蒸或烤)鞑靼酱和橙子酱 |
Lobster “BATINO”
Moby Dick Original Cooking Style w/ Lemon butter & Finadeni sauce. ★龙虾"BATINO"Moby Dick的原创 柠檬酱和菲娜德尼酱 一只整个烤制,豪爽! |